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  2. Shipping & Delivery

Which countries do you deliver to?

We ship our orders to all countries in the world (Russia and Svalbard are excluded due to customs issues). International orders are shipped with DHL Express Worldwide and should arrive in 2-3 business days after departure from our warehouse.

If the website is showing the incorrect country, please try these solutions.

Sometimes orders are held up in customs due to processing and clearance. In these cases, DHL often require some information from the importer (you). If the delivery is delayed due to customs processing, please contact DHL for your country. If you need any help with figuring out which information they need, please let us know through our contact form, and we will help you.

Read more about delays in customs processing here.

We are now experiencing issues with delivering down products to Italy, due to customs reasons. All orders containing down will be sent back to us.